Thursday, June 10, 2010


Welcome to the home of the Squires of the Sofa.

About 7 or 8 years ago a few friends got together one evening over coffee and shared stories of past glories found at the gaming table. All of us were without a group at the time. By the end of the evening the Squires of the Sofa group was born. We hope one day to graduate to Knighthood and pull up our chairs to the dinner table, but so far it hasn't happened.

Like with most gaming groups our membership has shifted over the years. Some people have joined, others left, and some those even came back. We rotated DMs, we have switched out systems. playing everything from 1st edition Dungeon and Dragons to Primetime. Of course it goes without mentioning the hours that have been spent playing various board games and console games as well.

So this blog will be the home for gaming updates of our regular campaign. The squires thoughts on gaming in general, as well as updates on other games we play in. I hope you stop by and enjoy the updates.


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